November 19, 2012

what's for dinner?

Right, so Saturday night was spent at Scott's work Christmas Party.  Which, believe it or not, I spent completely sober.  Trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are about that one.  

Anyho, during the night I spent a fair bit of time talking to one of Scott's workmates, who, for the sake of her privacy, we'll call Annie.  Annie told me that she reads this blog and thinks it's very funny.  Apparently her husband reads it also (hi Jeffrey!)  Which, just quietly, kind of made my day.  I'm not sure why.  It just did.  But during our conversation about how witty/delightful/charming I am, Annie made the following comment.  She told me I was "so bloody annoying cos you're like the perfect housewife with your fancy meal plans and your crafty shit."  Which made me laugh so hard I nearly spat my sparkling mineral water all over the drunk bird next to me.  

So Annie, just to prove that I'm not perfect, this blog post is for you.  There's no meal plan this week.  In fact, it's 5.51pm on Monday and I *still* have no effing idea what I'm going to cook for dinner.  Actually that's not true.  We're having tacos, but I haven't started cooking them yet and there certainly will not be any homemade low fat, gluten free guacamole on the menu.  Actually that's not true either.  There will be guacamole, but it won't be in a fancy bowl with a matching spoon.

And also, you should probably know that I'm not going to fold the kids undies into neat little piles for them to collect from the laundry this week.  Nor am I going to do any ironing.  Which isn't different to any other week, cos Scott does it, but still.  I'm not going to do it.  And I don't even think I'll bake this week.  The kids can have packets of tiny teddies flung in their lunch boxes instead.  And I might even resist the urge to mop the floor.  But that's only because I forgot to buy floor cleaner today when I was doing the groceries.  Which, FYI, I didn't even make a list for.  I know.  I'm totally living on the edge.  Although I'm feeling very, very uncomfortable with it and feel I might need to belt out something crafty to make up for all of this imperfectness.  Or maybe I should just calm down and pour myself a vodka instead?  Discuss...


  1. Lol I think Annie will like this post! I love it! I'm winging the meal plan this week too, made lasagne this arvo because Hayden's class had a pretend trip to Italy . As good as reason as any to have it! Have a great week!

    1. I hope she does Annaleis! She's got a great sense of humour, so I'm sure Annie will see the funny side of it. I'm loving the pretend trip to Italy/lasagne idea. Might have to do that one myself ;)

    2. Just need a list of where they are heading next so I can use that as my menu plan!

  2. I never drink at my husband's work parties either, and it's a great plan to get some really good material for blackmail. Your plan for the week reminded me of my favorite quote from "Mother of the Year" winner, Domestic Goddess, Roseanne Barr, "When my husband comes home at the end of the day, if the kids are alive, I've done my job!" (I believe she inserted bits of profanity here and there in this quote, but I got it almost verbatim.)
