January 2, 2013


Ok, so the hangover has lifted and 2013 has officially begun.  While I'm not one for making resolutions as such, I do like to whack together a few goals/words that sum up what I want the year ahead to bring.  Which, btw, is going to be huge for Team K&Co.  There's so much planned for the next 12 months that  it's almost overwhelming.  In a good way.  Cos I don't do anything unless it's good for you.  Chocolate, wine and not exercising everyday is totally good for you, right? Yep, I thought so too.  Ok, well carry on peeps...but not before letting me know what you're goals/resolutions are for the year ahead.  Because sharing is caring and comments are good for the blogging soul xox


  1. Glad to hear the hangover lifted! I have been a little under the weather so have to say that I have avoided making any goals. When the fog lifts I think I will join in. Probably good that they wont be New Years because I am likely to fail those!

    1. Hope you feel better soon Annaleis. Nothing worse than starting the new year feeling a bit under the weather x

  2. I am going to try to take better picture and reduce the number of pictureless post I do. And eat some Chocolate daily, which I very seldom forget, but even forgetting it once a month is not OK. I also resolve to remember your Adult Advent Calendar in time next year to make up some for my relatives. (Note to self - start by keeping an eye out for sturdy Wine Boxes that hold 24 bottles.)

    1. Photography, chocolate and wine sounds like a winning combination! :)
