January 29, 2013

the weekend that was

Well the weekend kicked off with Australia Day celebrations.  We spent the day at my parents house.  Bubbly was consumed. (It's genetic)....

I made full on Aussie baked goods like pikelets while mum got the head baker at Woolworths to whip up some lamingtons (she's a non baker.  That gene definitely skipped a generation) All baked goods were served on tacky paper plates...

I know.  Paper plates and plastic cups are less than ideal, but someone has to keep the local $2 shop afloat.

Woke up Sunday morning to be greeted with gale force wind and pounding rain.  Which did not stop.  All day.  Worried the windows of our house might blow in.  They didn't.

Selfishly hoped that the huge palm tree across the road would topple over (onto the spare block beside it, obviously) Because that would give us full water views.  But sadly it stood firm and we're still squinting through it to see the water.  I know.  It's a huge First World Problem.

Covered 4,792 books with contact in readiness for school to go back on Wednesday.  Didn't take a photo because my fingers were stuck to the contact 90% of the time.  Have decided that contact is actually a form of torture.

Watched the news all day Monday (public holiday) and worried myself sick for all the people loosing their homes in South East Queensland.  So I did a bit of baking.  Because carbs help in a time of crisis....

Discovered that if you roast spuds with some bacon strips thrown in for good measure, your kids will think you're one amazing cook and your husband will inhale them at a rapid rate.

Sent Action Man round to my besties house, to do what he does best...lift heavy objects and look fairly good while doing it...

Knocked out this blog post, while trying to remove a massive smudge from the computer screen.  Realised it's not a smudge but hardcore condensation trapped inside the screen caused by the 3 months worth of rain we received in the last two days.  Another First World Problem to add to my list.

What have you been up to?  Please tell me it doesn't involve moving your treasured belongings to higher ground xox


  1. How good does that bread look Kirsten? Was absolutely shocking on the weekend. I was hoping for a few palms to be pulled out of the ground. Save me some money. Unfortunatley the lady next door had her native frangipani she grew from a seedling pulled out of the ground. Its always the good ones lost. Glad you didn't suffer any damage. xx

    1. Anne, that bread was SO good...and not at all Gluten Free...so I think I'm officially calling myself 'Gluten LIght' haha. Can't believe we had no damage here. The wind was terrifying!!

  2. Heard a rumour that you are also a Redlands blogger???? Nice to meet you!
