August 30, 2013

the friday five

Sorry peeps, but The Friday Five is MIA this week.  Instead of belting out borderline funny posts, I've been flat out doing exciting things like hanging out 70 billion loads of washing (I may or may not be exaggerating slightly on the numbers there, but you know me...I never let the facts get in the way of a good story), cooking dinners (seriously, what is with the constant need to eat a meal every.single.night?)  and supervising vast quantities of homework (which btw, is practically a full time job in itself. This week we're in the midst of constructing a pyramid using 350 sugar cubes and 2 industrial sized tubes of PVA glue. Which, believe it or not, isn't anywhere near as fun as it sounds.)

Yes, this full time mothering thing is one time consuming job.  Not to mention massively under paid. But don't worry, I'm sure normal blogging transmission will resume next week.  You know, once the pyramid is finished, the ironing is done and the dishes have been put away.  I don't know about you, but I am so ready for a champers.  And possibly a holiday.


  1. LOL that's why we had cereal for dinner last night!

    Intrigued by the sound of your pyramid, can't wait to see pictures!

  2. I'm hearing ya, sweetie! I. Am. Hearing. You! And you know how I hate full-stops after one word but this is serious shizzle. There's just no time these days. No. Time. :) x

  3. Cut out the ironing or make the kids do it!!

  4. I gave the kids 'leftover' sausages in bread tonight. Some nights the whole mothering thing goes out the window and I treat the kids as my mates and we go on the scrounge in the fridge!

    Anne xx
