October 4, 2013

the friday five

1  //  Purchase/Actually Use a double sleeping bag. This handy camping invention has got me asking so many questions. Like how would you get into the thing let alone actually sleep? Do you both attempt to get in at the same time?  Or do you wait until your camping buddy is firmly wedged in there, before you attempt to wriggle in too? And what happens if your sleeping buddy wants to roll over?  Do you roll over too?  Or just sort of lie there on a forced lean?  And what's with the head situation?  Do you both tuck your head into the hood thingys?  And where does the pillow go?  Is that a double one too?  Or do you have your own pillows?  And how do the pillows not slide right off that fabulous looking sleeping bag fabric? But the main question that keeps popping into my head whenever I look at that picture is WHY?  Just why?

2  //  I don't know about you, but I'm fairly sure you won't find me ever attempting to whip a brussel sprout topiary centrepiece.  Because UGLY.  And feral.  But mostly,  WTF?!  

3  // Ok, let's all take a moment to discuss the concept that is Glamping.  I don't care how many fancy pillows and bedside tables you jam into that tent, you can't avoid the fact that YOU'RE STILL IN A TENT. Without a toilet.  Or running water.  So if somebody could explain exactly how that scenario is even remotely glamourous, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

4  // Look it's no secret that I'm a hardcore label lover.  Not that I actually own any high end labels, but I do love looking at them.  Except these.  They're Jimmy Choos, people.  Jimmy Choos.  With faux fur. And some sort of gold belt accessory not so discretely hidden amongst all that fur.  That retail around the $1500 mark. So you could take a nice little holiday or you could purchase yourself a pair of these.  Which wouldn't get any looks at all when you wear them to your local Westfield.  

5  //  So when I was belting out this blog post the other night, I asked Scott for his opinion on what the fifth Thing I'd Never Ever Do/Need should be.  He asked me what I'd narrowed it down to and I told him it was either '20 Mom and Son Date Ideas'' (um, eeeewwww), a picture of a King Size bed covered entirely in a ruffled burlap donna cover with matching pillows, cushions and curtains (itchy while also taking the Shabby Chic look to the extreme) or the charming poolside peacock pot plant holder.  His response? "1972 called.  They'd like their peacock pot plant holder back."  Couldn't have said it better myself!


  1. This make me laugh and smile at the same time!! Cabins are as camping as I'll go for awhile - tents - ugh - ain't nobody got time for that, or brussel sprouts! I never knew a double sleeping bag existed! Where is the fun in that? Isn't it all about getting in to someone else's bag for a snuggle!! :)

  2. Come on now - never say never to a fetching pair of stiletto fur encompassed knee high boots!

    Doesn't every girl have a pair of those in the back of her wardrobe? No? Me either.
