October 11, 2013

the friday five

Ok, so that title up there might be just a little bit misleading because there actually isn't a Friday Five today.  If you follow me over on facebook you'll know that yesterday I was all set to write a Friday Five when I suddenly remembered I had to be at something called 'Guitar Smackdown.'  Which, sadly, didn't involve wrestling of any kind, but instead involved watching 2 hours of beginning guitar players belt out various tunes they've been learning this year.  I know.  The glamour of full time motherhood never ends.  
But while I was sitting there, up the back, proudly watching my son strum his fingers off I noticed a few things that I just had to share.  Which is kind of like a Friday Five but not.  So here with go with this week's Faux Friday Five. Enjoy....

1.  If you sit in front of me with your very large camera that you insist on holding above your head  to take photos of your child during the entire duration of the performance I may or may not think you're a bit of a dick.

2.  If you set up your tripod in the middle of the seating area and plonk a commercial sized video camera on top of it to record your child's performance, your child may or may not think you're a hardcore embarrassing parent.

3.  If you teach guitar and decide the beginners group are more than capable of learning (and playing) anything from Jimmy Hendrix, you may or may not need to attend some sort of Optimists Anonymous meeting.

4.  If you turn to your husband, who somehow managed to take two hours off work to watch his son's performance with you, and whisper, "This is one hell of a Date Night" it may or may not result in your husband laughing loudly at a very inappropriate moment, causing other parents in the audience to turn around and look/glare at you both in what can only be described as A Disapproving Manner.

5.  If you and your husband sit up the back to watch your child perform, because you don't want to embarrass him by sitting near the front, and he catches your eye and smiles because you're both there, you may or may not feel your heart swell with pride and/or have something in your eye that requires a lot of blinking to make it go away.

Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you back here next week x


  1. It sounds like you had a 'sort of' good night - I loved point 5 and laughed at no 4 !! I am so glad my days of attending concerts of any kind are over - I never did them very well for exactly the points you made in no 1 and 2 !!!
    Have the best weekend !

    1. You've nailed it with the 'sort of good night' comment x

  2. haha 'optimists anonymous' - love it :) Number five is beautiful.

  3. Wonder what the next instrument will be.... get to the important bit... is he talented? Will he be the next Jungle Giant or the next Last Dinosaur? hahaha

    1. Ok, I have no idea what that last sentence even means. Are you turning into a hipster on me??!! x

  4. Popping by via FYBF :-)
    #5 - nawwwwwwww ;-)

    1. So pleased you visited because now I've discovered your lovely blog and facebook page. I'm looking forward to reading more x

  5. I've got all this to look forward to when my girls grow up. Hopefully it wasn't too painful to listen to. I still remember my parents coming to see me play in the school band and we played mission impossible. I think we played that piece every year and it's till sounded out of tune. I loved number 5 too. :)

    1. Number 5 is a popular one! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment x

  6. Ha, they are all dicks!
    Isn't it amazing that no matter how much you are forced to endure you still get that twinge in your eyes and swell with pride :)
    I have decided also that I must be included in the selection of instrument when Mr4 gets older. Although I love a flute or violin, I don't think my ears could take something like this.

  7. Oh K... Number five! Can't wait to fe that one!!!
    3-4 HILAIRS!
    1-2 there are ppl like that at swimming... SWIMMING!!! Near water that splashes all over said massive cameras thus upsetting the owner and them muttering under there breath about children splashing and being more careful... God forbid they be four year old learning survival skills whilst having a great time... Toss bag.

    I love your faux Friday five xxxx
