October 24, 2012

Mum's Best Banana Cake

Many of you would know by now, that back in what can only be described as The Olden Days, I was a teacher.  It was a job that I loved and one that I still miss today.  What you might not know, is that as a teacher you are actually learn many things from the the children and parents that you see on a daily basis.  And one of the main things I learnt as a teacher is that it really is the small things in life that make a big difference.

For example, something that many of the parents did back in the day, was to provide me with morning tea on a regular basis.  I know.  So thoughtful.  And such a small, simple act of kindness that really did make a big difference to my day.  Quite often, I would ask those lovely, thoughtful mums for the recipes of whatever it was they delivered to my classroom,  because believe or not, back then I wasn't exactly a whiz in the kitchen.

So today I give you a much loved recipe.  One that was given to me by a mum of a little preppie girl who I taught way back in The Year 2000.  I've since lost touch with the family, but every time I make this cake I think of them and wonder what G is doing with her life.  No doubt, she's a doctor or a lawyer because let's face it, 12 months of hardcore home corner and play dough action at preschool would've totally set her up for a love of all things medical and legal.  Wouldn't it?

How about you?  Do you have a much loved recipe that you love to make?  Feel free to share the link below.  Or not.  Totally up to you xox


  1. You are right, a few kind words or a quick note to let a teacher know they are appreciated makes your day when your working.

    I had one family that would turn up at the end of each term with a a lovely bottle of wine in wrapping that never looked like a bottle of wine! That truly was a welcome start to school holidays!

    1. That's so thoughtful! And practical. Especially at the end of a long term ;)

  2. Hello Kirsten
    This is my first ever blog response but I wanted to tell you what a hit this banana cake has been in my house. It was so easy to make and is delicious.
    My son does not like icing so this cake had to prove it could stand alone and it sure can. Thank you for posting it and good luck for Friday. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment and for your lovely words! They've made my day :)
      I'm pleased the cake was a winner for you and your son xx

  3. Thanks for the recipe Kirsten. I'll try that tomorrow and let you know how I go. It looks great! xx
