November 15, 2012

adult advent calendars

So a couple of days ago I posted this pic on the K&Co facebook page and it went off.  Off I tell you.  Over 1300 likes and 24 shares.   If nothing else, I know how to Reach The Masses.

And so Lovely Readers, I've come up with a few more Adult Advent Calendar ideas for you.  Which, I'm not going to lie, aren't nearly as classy as cracking 24 bottles of red wine in 24 days, but really, what is?

First cab of the rank is what I like to call The Pamela Anderson.  Is it just me or would it feel really, really weird opening these each day?

And here's one for the man in your life.  Because what bloke wouldn't want to crack a tinnie 24 days in a row.

I like to call this one the In-Law Special.  Because sometimes drinking games are the only way to cope.

Whisky lovers rejoice!  You too can get sloshed on a thimble full of whisky in the 24 days leading up to the big fella's birthday.

And finally, I give you the Povo Grab and Go.  Because let's face it, whoever put this advent arrangement together is what I like to call Craft Challenged.   But, as my Year 12 maths teacher used to say to me on a daily basis, at least you've tried.  K&Co over & out xox


  1. I can't wait to share these ideas with my husband. After years of Chocolate, then Lego or Playmobil Advent calendars for the kids (all now adults), finally something for him!
    (Trying to get past your extra "input this number and this incomprehensible word" to prove I'm not a robot test. Have lost many, many extremely pithy and fabulous comments this way. I think you'd have twenty times the comments without it.)

    1. Beryl, I hear you re: the horrible robot test thingy but I was getting so much spam that I had to turn it on. I'll turn it off for a while and cross my fingers that the spam bots don't find out x

    2. Well, if that twenty times the comments result in mostly Spam, it wouldn't be worth it to turn it off. And while I really have lost comments when it tires of me typing in the wrong stuff, those comments might not have been all that fabulous. Just saying.

  2. Great choices - we found some of the same calendars in our round up! Check out the rest, both for adults and alternatives for the kiddies!

    1. I'm LOVING your blog name! Off to check it out now
