December 27, 2012


So that's Christmas done and dusted for another year.  Here's how it all went down at K&Co HQ...Instagram style (of course!)

Thank god I was organised well ahead of time and had presents for family & friends all wrapped and ready to go because exactly 4 hours after I finished this Mojito that Scott whipped up, I came down with what can only be described as The Tummy Bug From Hell.

Yes, 3 days out from Christmas Day and I was the lucky recipient of Gastro.  So instead of sipping on Moet, I was swallowing gastro tablets and feeling very sorry for myself.

Christmas Eve arrived and I still felt like I'd been hit by a bus, so Sophie was in charge of setting the table.  Here's what she came up with.  Please note the hardcore use of tinsel and paper bowls.   Both normally never allowed in our house under any circumstances.  Except when Mummy has gastro and is too sick to care what anything looks and/or tastes like.

Cookies and milk were left out for Santa.  Along with the cutest letter ever written, in which Sophie asked, "to be just like you Santa because you're full of love and joy"

We woke up at 5am with one very excited 8 year old jumping up and down when she saw the presents under the tree....and one almost 12 year old who did a fairly good job of pretending he still believes.  By 5.15am it was all over and there was nothing but wrapping paper carnage and smiling faces left behind.

And what most definitely was a Christmas Miracle, my stomach made a full recovery.  Which was just as well because it was a liquid lunch at my folks place...

Followed by a full blown ham dinner.  Which I might add, could've easily fed 50 people. I think it's safe to say that I come from a long line of Over Caterers.  And Over Eaters.  But sadly, not over exercisers.

Oh and then Scott gave me this. And revealed where we're going for my 40th next year.  Which needs it's own blog post, but I can't even begin to write it.  When the words come, you'll be the first to know xox


  1. I am glad you recovered in time to enjoy the joys of Christmas day. Can't wait to hear more about next year's adventure...Happy New Year!
