December 21, 2012

layer cake and christmas wishes

Look I don't know about you, but I'm so impressed with the layer cake I knocked together for  Sophie's Birthday yesterday that I reckon it deserves it's own blog post.  So here it is...

Bloody hell, those layers were a mission to make.  Each one took 15 minutes to bake, another 15 minutes to cool in the fridge and about another 10 minutes to cut the uneven top off.  No wonder cake makers charge over $250 for a cake these days.  They take nearly a whole day to make. And while we're on the subject of cake makers, could someone please explain how are they not all raging alcoholics?  I was hanging for a drink after the second layer was baked....

Look at her.  Isn't she a beauty?!  Bit devo that I didn't get a decent pic of the know, all styled with a fancy plate and fork etc...but the kids were all "Um, can you put the camera down and just serve the cake."  Which kind of made me realise that sometimes just serving and eating the cake is ok.  After all, it's what we all did before instagram and cheap DSLR cameras were invented. You know, in 2011. 

And in other news, this will probably be my last post for 2012.  I say probably, because no doubt some weird, random series of events will happen to me between now and Jan 1 2013 that will be totally blog worthy, but I'm not sure I'll bother to blog because who will be reading it?!  Surely no one during the Christmas/New Year break?  

Anyho, in case this is my last post for 2012, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all of your support throughout the year.  I love this little K&Co community that we're starting to create and can't wait to see what 2013 brings for us all.  Have a great  (and safe) Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year!!!



  1. Merry Christmas to you Kirtsten! You go easy at those post Christmas sales now but if you do grab a bargain I'll be looking forward to reading about it.

    Anne xx

    1. Anne, you know me too well!! Merry Christmas to you too. It was lovely meeting you this year. Hopefully we'll get the chance to catch up again sometime in 2013 x

  2. Merry Christmas, you Master Baker! Truly a lovely cake!

  3. Now THAT'S a cake! Well done to you and no wonder you had to put the camera down ... who could resist such a beast, a beautiful beast of course!! Merry Christmas to you too, and thank YOU for YOUR amazing support of my weeeeee blog this year. You are gorgeous. xxx
