January 8, 2013

blogging, holidays & the great outdoors

Look I don't want to alarm anyone, but I can't be bothered blogging at the moment.  I think it's something to do with this new, weird thing I'm doing....spending lots of time outdoors doing odd things like swimming, reading actual books and hanging out with the kids. 

So, as my dad always says, I'll see you when I'm looking at you.  Or when I can be bothered to blog.  Which ever comes first.  K&Co. over & out xox


  1. HAHAHAHA love it, get your relax on sista, the tags......too freakin funny

    1. love it when readers get my humour! love it hard x

  2. I like the way you do lifeguard duty!!! Such style. Hope you have a good book. Enjoy
