February 11, 2013

school camp

So last week my son went off to school camp.  This is his third year of school camp and he loves it.  Loves it sick, I tell you.  Clearly we are not related.  Ok, of course we're related, but I think it's safe to say that his love of all things camping related does not come from me.  His 5 star, resort loving Mother.

Anyway, each year, when he returns from camp, there is always some random story to tell.  And this year is no exception.  {If you're wondering what went on last year, feel free to click here.  If not, just read on...}

I don't know what they fed them on camp, but on Monday I dropped off an 11 year old and on Friday I picked up a 17 year old.  He's so tall!  And his voice.  Don't even get me started on his voice.  It's at least an octave deeper.  I think they must've slipped protein powder in his cereal....

So on our way home from picking him up, we were chatting away in the car about what went on at camp.  Look, if we're honest, it was probably more like an interrogation on my part (what did you have for dinner each night? who was in your cabin? what was your favourite activity? do you have a girlfriend?) but he did answer each question with more than two words, so I think that qualifies as a conversation. (I can't remember the first night, curry the second night & spaghetti last night, 6 other boys, the ropes and uh, no, I'm 11 were the answers, in case you were wondering.)  

Then I ended our interrogation/chat with the flippant comment that went something along the lines of, "Well I have to say that I'm very impressed that you've come home looking clean and smelling fresh.  Last year you stunk to high heaven.  Thank god you decided to shower this year."  Which was met with this little chestnut...


And closely followed by the following words,

"Look let's just say I showered every day when in actual fact I relied heavily on swimming and deodorant because those showers at camp were disgusting.  Disgusting.  I mean there was an ants nest in the urinals and the showers had a pipe that didn't even go to the ground, so you could see the water running out into the drain. And you had to wear your thongs in the shower.  It was really gross, Mum."

Never have I been prouder.
He gets it. *

*no offence to all the camping lovers out there.  I know there are plenty of you packing up the station wagon/jayco/prado every weekend to head god knows where to do things like pee in a chemical toilet and cook a four course meal using nothing but a bunsen burner and a tea towel.  I have nothing but hardcore admiration for you all xox


  1. The day they invent a tent with an ensuite I might give it a go, until then ... not a chance!
