August 22, 2013

manual labour

So today, at the ripe old age of 40, I undertook what can only be described as Manual Labour and learnt how to check the pressure of my car tyres.  Trust me, I am just as shocked as you are.
Why yes, I did take a photo of the Air Pressure Machine...shouldn't all of life's milestones be documented?
Long, boring story, but my tyre pressure light thingy was beeping at me furiously and I had no clue what the hell to do about it.  So I rang Scott, he told me what to do and BAM!  Before I knew it, I was crouching down in front of the tyres, attaching a teeny tiny pump to the world's smallest valve and checking that the little machine beeped when it reached 32.  I know.  At this rate I'll be doing oil changes and re-building engines by Christmas.
Of course the downside to all this DIY Manual Labour business is the mess.  Just look at the state of my thumb.  I mean, really.  Have you ever seen such filth?  And I had to drive home looking like that because despite an extensive search around the tyre checking area, there wasn't a moisturising hand wash or scrub to be found.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and fill out my log book and check the diff.  Which of course is code for make myself a coffee and do a bit of online shopping.  What are you up to?


  1. You've gone above & beyond today Kirst. I am now inspired to try something like this after i reach the big 40 milestone. Which isn't until November, so I have time to psych myself up. I've always been of the opinion that there are people qualified to check tyre pressures and have never done this task myself either. Ever. I will be sure to pack wipes for my hands, thanks to your experience! Jack

    1. Wipes are essential. As are high waisted'll know what I'm talking about when you crouch over the tyres x

  2. Full credit to you Kirsten. I've never done it in my life and wouldn't even begin to know where or what to look at! LOL

    Anne xx
