November 13, 2012

Christmas Craft: Advent Calendar

Right, so as you may or may not know, I'm what can only be described as a Hardcore Christmas Crafter.  I know.  I'm just as scared as you are.  Trust me, it's definitely a term I thought I'd never use to describe myself.  Hardcore Champagne Guzzler? Um, that would be a YES!  Hardcore Christmas Crafter?  Yeah, not so much.

Anyho, this year, because I like to live on the edge, I'm whipping up an Advent Calendar.  And here's how you can too...

Step One:  grab a pack of brown paper bags....

Step Two:  Muck around on your computer and come up with some fonts you like and print out numbers 1-25 on the bags....

Now, I'm not going to lie.  Printing onto paper bags is a bit of a challenge.  My printer (like most things around here) is a cheapy and threw more tantys than a two year old in a lolly shop during this process.  As long as you prepare yourself for multiple paper jams and print refusals, you'll be fine....

Step Three:  Fill each bag with a sweet treat and little note.  I used these gorgeous printables from The TomKat Studio which you may remember seeing before when I used them for Sophie's Christmas Birthday Party last year...

Now because I'm a bit uptight and like things to be highly organised, I printed out a calendar and filled in events/parties etc that are already locked in for December and made sure the note for that day corresponded with what we're doing/where we're going.  I know. It's a bit OTT, but that's how I roll.  On days where there's nothing happening, I filled out the card with a little Christmas Challenge/Activity.  Examples include: bake Christmas cookies with mum, wish someone a Merry Christmas, Send Christmas Cards to your cousins etc. 

Step Four:  Work out where you're going to display the bags....

I think I'll probably blue tack them to a wall in the shape of a Christmas tree or maybe I'll hang them from twine somewhere?  Thoughts?


  1. You're awesome Kirsten! Love the different fonts. My babes are a little too young for advent calendars so I think next Christmas when they are 4 and almost 3 I might stand a better chance of less tantrums/meltdowns over what's in the bags :) Show us a photo of how you end up displaying them pretty please :)

    1. I'll definitely do a post when they're all up and on display...which if I had my way, would be right now, but I'll be patient and wait until 1 December to go hardcore with the Christmas decorating :)

  2. Great project! I'm really keen to move the kids away from the tacky chocolate advent calendars they've been given (by others) in the past. Every morning they're like, "Chocolate!" before breakfast!

    1. Thanks Laney! It was very easy to do (despite the printer eating 4,972 bags) and will hopefully be something the kids look forward to opening each morning in December (although they might be a little disapointed when they discover there's not many bags with chocolates in them!)

  3. Love this!!!! twine would be coolio. Cracking idea K

    1. I like the twine idea too. Just gotta find a wall long enough to hang all those bags!

  4. What a great idea. I had a little giggle about your printer having a tanty! That is exactly what the one at work does and I will not even begin to describe the toddler-like behavior of the one at home...

    1. Ugh, printers and their tantys drive me mental! I have no time for them. If someone could invent a tanty-proof printer, they'd be on a winner x
