January 14, 2013

what's for dinner?

So normally there'd be a fancy pants meal plan staring back at you right now.  If you don't believe me, just click here, here, or even here.  Although that last one is pretty crap, so I probably wouldn't bother clicking on that one.  

Anyhow, this week's meal plan is MIA.  Partly because I haven't done one, but mainly because, well I haven't done one.  And the reason is, and I hope you're sitting down for this one, I've gone totally Gluten Free.  I know.  I'm just as shocked as you are.  But I kind of don't have a choice. You see late last year, after over 2 years of trying to work out what the hell was wrong with me, I was finally diagnosed with something.  Don't panic, it's nothing serious. Just a little case of  Hypothyroidism.  

Yep, my thyroid is really, really slow.  Which means it's virtually impossible to loose weight (fabulous!) while your hair falls out (excellent!), you have zero energy and want to sleep all day (huzzah!), your skin is desert dry (wonderful!) and you think you might just be going a little bit mental (even better!)  Thankfully, late last year, I came across the most wonderful doctor who sent me off for extensive blood tests, found out what the problem was and issued me with some hardcore thyroid medication, which I'll have to take for the rest of my life.  Which I don't have a problem with at all, as after only 4 weeks of taking the little tablets I feel so much better.  I've got my energy back, the brain fog has lifted and my hair isn't falling out quite as quickly as it once was.

On the downside, the scales still aren't budging (despite regular exercise and a very healthy diet)  so long story short, I've decided to jump on the Gluten Free bandwagon as apparently going GF is very helpful for those with Hypothyroidism.

Going GF hasn't been anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be, probably because I didn't really eat much of the white stuff (bread, pasta etc) before, but omg, my meals are SO BORING and the GF baking that I've done has been what can only be described as Epic Failures.  So, there's no meal plans for now.  Because really, who wants to read a meal plan that consists of chicken & salad 7 nights a week?!  Once I get the hang of GF cooking & baking, I'll start banging out the meal plans again.  Until then, let's just all take a moment to be grateful that my drink of choice is 100% Gluten Free...

Now, Lovely Readers, do any of you have any GF tips for me?  Maybe you know of a good GF blog/recipe site/cookbook?  Or maybe you'd just like to join me at the bar for a glass of The Good Stuff....see you there at 7....I'll be the one perched on the bar stool with bags under my eyes, thinning hair & a body covered in about 10 extra kilos, that no matter what I do, won't effing leave. Shouldn't be too hard to find me x


  1. My sister was diagnosed with that as well Kirsten. Don't ask me about the diet she's on. Some weird bloody no soy, no this, no that, paleo bloody thing. And don't get her started on it or don't go shopping with her. Blah! She'll talk your ear off. LOL Hope you get it all sorted. Can't help you with the GF recipes. xx

    1. Anne, your comment literally made me LOL. Somedays I think I might be turning into one of those annoying 'I'll have a non-fat, soy, sugar free, decaf, half strength latte thanks' kind of person. But then I pop the bubbly instead and magically, all is right with the world :)

  2. I think if you want to make a fortune, figure out gluten-free baking and open a Bakery. Right now it's the same as a license to print money. But I fear it may only be a fad, so don't invest the entire family fortune in it. Did you doctor/pharmacist tell you to take your thyroid pill on an empty stomach with an entire cup of water - then wait at least half an hour before eating? One of my best friends is married to an Endocrinologist and they are pretty sure this is the only way to get full benefit from the pills.
    Good luck with the new eating plan. My niece has a lovely vegan cooking blog, Flora Foodie, that has tons of gluten-free recipes. but none for chicken. I eat mainly whole grain, too, and am surprised how little gluten I do eat. I can see how cutting it out totally will be a trial.

    1. You're so right re: the GF bakery idea. It's definitely 'the thing' at the moment!
      Yes, doc did tell me to take the tablet first thing in the morning and wait an hour before eating. It's quite the process isn't it?!
      Thanks for the name of your nieces blog. I'm off to check it out now x

  3. Hi Kirsten,

    I had that condition too and I managed to control it with the help of the naturopath and some Thyrobalance herbal tablets and a change in diet at the time.

    Since that, I was diagnosed with PCOS which has also been lot's of fun. I struggle to shift any weight despite exercising like a maniac and it causes all sorts of other issues. I have just decided to give the gluten up again too and hope things improve - so am interested to see any pages that you come across x

    1. Hi Allison. I went down the naturopath path initially, but unfortunately it didn't solve the problem. And I have a feeling that the dose of thyroxin I'm on now probably isn't high enough but I'll know more in two weeks when I have my 6 week blood test check up thingy.

      I too spent most of 2012 exercising like a mad thing, only to learn that hardcore working out is one of the worst thing you can do when you've got thyroid issues as it causes more stress on the thyroid, which slows it down even further. It's very frustrating isn't it?! Especially when you don't want to be the weight you are. I guess patience is they key. Which is something I'm not very good at!!

      Beryl's nieces blog (see comment above yours) looks awesome (Flora Foodie) and if I find any others, I'll be sure to let you know x
